Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Feral Cat Winter Madness

Feral Cat Winter Madness went awesome. The studded tires didn't hold up as well as planned but we still had a blast. More pics will be uploaded my internet is worthless.

Taking a break around the fire.
Ranger Danger got a little to brave and dumped his bike going around a corner.
The damage from his wreck.
Only one tool is needed for most motorcycle fixes a big wrench.
Jobs done!
Gopher took the XR for a ride, his bike wasnt up for the challenge today.
It was on its way to be fixed.

Getting warm again, we just missed the mountain bikers and forest ranger.
The big rock wasnt a very good photographer.
It was a good day. The bikes were loaded up and we were ready to go home.

First leg of our adventure.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

UPDATE: Feral Cat Winter Madness

Feral Cat Winter Madness begins tomorrow Sunday December 20th. You DO NOT need a new trail pass for this year YET. The forestry hasn't gotten new ones made yet(rolls eyes). Make sure you have last years trail pass on your bike. See you Sunday, Merry Christmas.
-Blazing Burro

Blazing Burro Studding

Blazing Burros ride is ready for the winter season.
I bought the wrong tire. It was supposed to be a 4.10-18 and I bought a 4.60-18. It rubs the swingarm protector a little bit, but it is some serious nobby business.
Studded front tire.

Thursday, December 17, 2009



Monday, December 14, 2009

Feral Cat Winter Madness

Feral Cat Winter Madness kicks off the winter riding season for the Feral Cats. Bring your bike and studded tires to Rocky Gap on Sunday December 20th, 2009 from 10am to 6pm. Remember to get a trail pass for the new season.
A informational video for the Feral Cats. Very interesting and could save your life.

Ranger Danger is ready for winter!

Ranger Danger has his XR250R up and ready for the winter season. As usual he went overboard on the studding, no surprise.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Winter is finally here.
Snow, Ice, Slush, SuckerBait, and Frozen ground.
Are these things going to keep the Feral Cats in doors and away from the bikes?
F NO!!!
The WR got some new plastics and some sweet Feral Cat decals!!!
And then Jabba (powerband paparazzi) started STUDDING TIRES!!!

The front tire grips great on ice and snow-covered soft-ground.
The back tire is going to get every knob studded; not quite good enough.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Trip update.

Checked up on some places we had in mind for trips. Rock Run opens in April. Mines and Meadows near Pittsburgh and Majestics trails are open year around.

Swing arm sticker update.

Looked into custom decals that say "feral cats" for our swing arms. Im getting prices between $80-$250 for 10 decals. All sound hasn't gotten back to me. Let me know if you guys are still interested. I will update this post when all sound gets back to me.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Epic Fail of the Year.

Storyline provided by Ranger Danger, Illustrations by Blazing Burro. Special Thanks to mspaint's worthless tools. Location: Oil City, PA People involved: Retards...

Remembering Kitty II

We have come here to remember a hero...
One of the fallen.
One we will remember till times' end...

In the words of our mentor Clark Griswold:
"O God, ease our suffering in this, our moment of great dispair. Yea, admit this kind and decent woman into thy arms of thine heavenly area, up there. And Moab, he lay us upon the band of the Canaanites, and yea, though the Hindus speak of karma, I implore you: give her a break."

" Honey, I'm not an ordained minister; I'm doing my best."

Some Brotherhood updates.

  • Ranger Danger has informed me that all Allegheny National Forest trails reopen December 20th for ALL VECHILES. Next seasons trail pass will be required to ride starting that day. Time to equip all death wings with some serious studs.
  • Feral Cat stickers are available. Pick up your stickers soon, $4 a piece. We will be ordering more if need be. Email has been sent regarding discussed swing arm stickers.
  • We have discussed plans for next year on riding trips, riding days, and camping trips. We need to plan these events now so there is no discrepancy with work or other things. I have embedded Google Calendar into our blog at the bottom. I posted some little events. Start brainstorming ideas. ie: Six hours of power, Rock Run, Mines and Meadows, Majestics Trails, Local Enduro Races,........
  • Kitty II has left us, it is in a better place now. A formal post will be made later to honor its loyalty to the Brotherhood.
  • It seems the fall season is slowly moving to winter. Riding this weekend seems unlikely at the Feral Cat Playground.
  • No signs from any letter to the editor.

Anything else im forgetting, just throw a comment up on the post and I will update it.
-Blazing Burro

Redneck Rumpus Round 4 aka Feral Cat Foto Shoot?

Redneck Rumpus Round 4 was a great success. We were visited by a group of photographers from Protect Your Junk. They decided to have us model their new line of clothing. Visit their website at www.protectyourjunk.com!
The day begins with some new clothing.
Ranger Danger models the purple bandanna and Merica' t shirt while in mid wheely on the XR.
Blazing Burro models a zip up hoody while jumping the CR125.
Rockin that purple bandanna once again.
Ghettoblaster rockin the zip up hoody and bandanna also.
Blazing Burro with one of the models, he now is getting calls from all over the world for modeling jobs. This picture made it on the front page of protect your junk's website. Seems Powerband paparazzi predicted this unfound talent in a earlier photo shoot. http://feralcatbrotherhood.blogspot.com/2009/06/shots-just-came-back-from-smuts.html
Ranger Danger successfully completing the feral cat jump of the weekend.
Ghettoblaster observing the carnage.
The models are unaware of Blazing Burros sudden appearance.
Ghettoblaster getting ready to attack. HAHAHAHAH
Ranger Dangers is throwing some serious roosts.
Ghettoblaster is playing in the sippy hole.

The weekend was a great success and the International Brotherhood of Feral Cats continues to grow in popularity and prestige. The Brotherhood also sends their thanks to the Protect Your Junk crew and website. Good luck and come visit us again.
-Blazing Burro

Ranger Danger's New Ride

Ranger Danger finally turned to the red side and bought a new 2009 Honda CRF450X. Congratulations and farewell forever to the Suzuki.