Saturday, January 16, 2010

Greatest Hits Video

Winter Extravaganza Photo/Video Update

Blazing Burro: the driver

Snow Doughnuts on the CR230

The Feral Cat Queens come out to play!!!

Powerband Paparazzi getting the Helmet-Cam ready.
Being the cameraman means not being in too many photos.

The track and jump builder.
One of the region's finest!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Member Promotions

Upon request of the Scandia Scrambler, completion of the proper forms, and approval by the board of Directors...

The Scandia Scrambler will now be known as, and referred to as
"the Jimmer".

Tonka Toy has been inducted as an honorary member
of the Feral Cat Brotherhood.

With his expertise in dirt moving and track preparation,
we have one of the nicest playgrounds around.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Winter Extravaganza 2010 Day 2

Sunday; The Insanity continues...

pictures and more videos coming sooooon

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Winter Extravaganza

The first video from saturday.

They talked me into riding a snow tube with no air at 40mph with goggles that were frozen over. Kids don't try this at home.
-Blazing Burro aka Travis Jr.